
Saturday, February 3, 2024

Characters on the Cruise

 Let me introduce you to the family.

I am the oldest and my youngest sister Sharon is almost 21 years younger. Jeffrey and I came together on this cruise because I asked him to come. One of my brother-in-laws didn't want the sisters to come alone. So Jeffrey said yes when I asked him to come. Shortly thereafter we started asking the brothers individually and all of them eventually said yes! Diann and Polly said they were coming too, and Susie asked her friend Garth if he wanted to come. I wondered if there would be an announcement made while on this trip, but Susie sees herself as Mrs Rulon Eames and isn't prepared to be someone else. This was the first time we were all together since Sharon was 2 years old when a storm hit Utah felling trees and twisting signs on the freeway. The whole family was together for two weeks before the oldest went our separate ways again. Sharon doesn't remember, so this trip is the only time living together for a week that counts.

Oldest sister #1

Jeffrey and Linda Ann Adams
Married 39 years, six children, 10 grandchildren, 2 couple missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and soon another adventure to Africa working for the Church.

Second sister #2

Susan Diane Eames
She is the glue to our family and works hard to keep us together, taken care of. She is a widow of 10 years, a chaplain, mother of two and grandmother of 5. She takes care of those grandchildren on Tuesdays and Thursdays - the oldest is 7 and the youngest a few months. Caring, kind, compassionate and knows how to solve problems.
Susan is organized, maybe a little driven, and made sure we could all have a great time together with every means available for the smooth functioning of this trip to happen. She stood at Laura's bedside for every treatment and was determined that Laura would have this trip to look forward to and bring us together for her.
Susie and Laura roomed together, traveled together. planned together, and had a great time together.

Good Friend

Garth Thornock is a good friend. I have heard about his service and helpfulness to his ward members. I found him to be very affable, kind, and compassionate.

He fit well into our family and looked like he was having fun with us.

Oldest brother #3

David Edward Lore and Diann 
Married with 10 children - yours, mine, and ours, 24 or more grandchildren and have lived on Guam for the last three years. They serve in the mission presidency there, and have inspirational stories to tell.

Dave and Diann sacrificed the most in time, effort, and money to be on the cruise with all of us

David has a great sense of humor and is very compassionate. (More about that crown in a later post).
 Diann is a trouper and a sweetheart who cares very much for her children and grandchildren and her neighbors around her.

Second brother #4

Donald Kay Lore and Brenda
Married with 5 children and 4 grandchildren (more?) Donald is the quiet one in an extrovert family who nevertheless can entertain and hold his own. His is highly compassionate and service oriented. You can always count on Don and Brenda to take care of widows (my mom and Susie included) and they watch out for those who hands hang low

Don shared his desserts with me, made sure sisters were taken care of, and chatted with those sitting on the sidelines. He can be very entertaining but doesn't seek it out. He is a happy, cheerful man.

Third brother #5

Steven Clarence Lore and Polly
Married with seven children, and six grandchildren (more?), have lived in Utah, Texas, Idaho, and Nevada and support their children in all their endeavors. They are openly affection and loving and take care of others very well. Our family is indebted to Polly for her loving care of my mom (with dementia) in her last months.

Polly was so much fun on this trip! Very supportive of everyone. She gives a new perspective.

Third daughter #6

Laura Louise Tesch and Jeffrey
Married with six children, three grandchildren, presents a happy face despite daily pain and troubles, loves to travel and has gone many places with her husband, friends, and family. 

Laura wanted to share her love of new places with all of us and jumped on the idea of a sister trip.

Susie and Laura with help from other siblings made this cruise possible and they added touches to make it fun for everyone. I'll bet they both needed a vacation to rest from this vacation.

Fourth Brother and Twin # 7

Allen Joseph Lore and Marie
Married with 2 boys, Zach and Adam. Allen is the glue that holds the younger siblings and the older siblings together. One day at a Lore reunion I had a flat tire on a gravel road in a canyon with no cell service. I told my kids not to worry as Allen would come back and find us. Sure enough, Susie told Allen we hadn't come back and he jumped in a car with some other brothers and came to rescue us.

Allen watching Donna's scooter and holding the girls shopping
Most family functions do not happen without Allen and Marie holding get-togethers, coaxing all to come, reaching out to all with a friendly voice and smile. 

Fifth Brother and Twin #8

Dean Joseph Lore (with hat in foreground) and Sherry
Married with four children, has run charitable "Kipper" camps for years with autistic children, is kind, compassionate, and of service to many.

On a cruise with his children, they had a tradition of going to get the last ice-cream cone before the top floor cafe closed up. Dean and his some of his siblings had to keep the tradition alive. You knew where he was just before closing. 

Dean and Don made sure Donna was able to go with us despite her injuries.

Fourth Sister # 9

Donna Lynn Lore Whitten Estes Montgomery
Married three times, had three children, 2 grandsons, lived in Texas and Utah. She is the life of the party, makes friends easily, and fun to be around. 

Diana and Donna found "The Yellow Submarine" in the highlands of Scotland

Fifth Sister #10

Diana Lynette Godwin and Jim
Married with three children, good researcher in family genealogy, loves deeply and well, is very organized, and gave us a wonderful night in the temple telling us about the people we were sealing together. 

A ship photographer shot this picture. I like the sense of happiness that comes through. Diana is a very happy woman despite the challenges that are hers.

Sixth Brother #11

John Spencer Lore and Amy
Married with three children, a savvy lawyer and has lived in Russia, Idaho, California, New York, Utah, Connecticut, and back to Utah. Not exactly in that order....but still he has taken his children on trips to London, Dubai, and other exotic places.  

He looks out for his siblings and took special care of those in scooters and wheelchairs. He has a talent of being agreeable even if he doesn't agree with what is being said or going on.

Sixth Sister #12

(John missed on the rabbit ears)
Sharon Rachel Bowman and David
Married with three children, she sews baby burp clothes, receiving blankets, and socks for my grandchildren, is talented in embroidery and has done many projects for all of us. 

Going on this trip she made us all lanyards, little bag with our number on it, passport books, and gave us all material for a kilt. She has a fun laugh. 

I also found out she loves shopping! She found all kinds of special candy, costumes and decorations for Halloween. Wow, who knew?

Twelve of us together for a week. Fun, educational, and a time to reconnect with each other.

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