
Friday, February 2, 2024

The Giant's Causeway

 Kelsi and Nate had told us not to miss the Giant's Causeway, a natural phenomenon that is really cool. I was glad Susie had worked so hard to get us there. 

Since we were with our own guide we didn't get rushed in and out like some of the excursion were doing. Our guide told us how to walk in so we didn't have to pay, the short walk and the long walk, where good food was, where the restrooms were, and to all be back at a certain time.

The weather again broke good for us, so it was a delightful walk with beautiful colors everywhere. 

Watching out for the Giant's Story

There is a whole myth story about the Giants here and someone has thoughtfully posted on benches and at resting points clues to find them. 

Chimney's were easy to spot - not smoking today

No I could not find her!

If you "see" the granny shoot me a text or email and let me know where she is!

No problem with the camel.

Some of our crew took the long walk, some took the shuttle, and some walked then took the shuttle. It was not long or arduous so we walked both boys the short route. We found out later the long route went a different way than where we started.

Smart Sister with sunglasses

Diana actually bought some fish and chips and shared bites with all of us. It was so delicious. Made us all wish we had bought some! It was a really great place to tour. If you go to Northern Ireland, don't miss it!
On the way back to the ship, our guide showed us where the Titanic was built. Evidently lots of ships are/were built in Ireland.

It seems like every scrap of land is accounted for and used. 

Where the Titanic was built: "It was fine when it left here!"

I wish I had a recorder, I think he was explaining about the workers for the ships

Our guide gave us many history and fun facts and stories and I don't even have the cliff notes here. Next time I will be better prepared to take notes.
Jeffrey and I went to the lounge to watch a musical number. Most of the 'kids' went to have fun either in the board room or to a magic show. Very fun and interesting. Hiring your own guide for an excursion is the way to go.

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