
Monday, February 26, 2024

Trying out a new berry - Inca berries

 On Sunday, Jeffrey and I drove up to Sacramento to spend a day with the Sacramento Adams. Matthew and Debbie are looking for a new home and so Matthew is not spending a lot of time and effort in his backyard garden. He did plant some Inca Berries which he thought would die out. 

They did not, and in fact they were producing all through the winter (well winter as California knows it). Anyway, I decided to try some and found they were pretty good when they are yellow. The green-yellow ones are a little sour. I didn't know they were even a fruit, so imagine my surprise when I looked them up and they are being sold in whole food stores and on the internet. In fact they are good for you!

On it says: " But more importantly Incaberries contain soluble fibre necessary for controlling appetite and reducing cholesterol re-absorption in the intestine.  They contain a wide range of nutrients including vitamin C, potassium and phosphorus and are naturally low in sodium." Now how cool is that?!

Corina showing me the Incaberry fruit

Inside are little yellow berries

I asked Corina to take a picture of the plant itself.

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