Sunday, September 15, 2024


 I seem to have a routine and a normal for me. Though I did not go through cultural shock or have to adjust to sight, smell, hearing, and taste all over again. I am still trying to find balance in this new life.

Yesterday I made some Morning Glory muffins for a Relief Society food preservation meeting that was happening in the afternoon. As I thought about how quickly the banana bread disappeared in an after Relief Society linger longer, I made another batch. Then since is was before noon I decided to make a large pan of school house peanut butter bars. 

At the meeting - only 13 people showed up. I am reminded of that scripture which says, ".....and stumble because of my over anxiety for you." Yup, over anxiety can cause a tip in the balance of my life. Next time, I will not prepare so much.

I stumble on a few things, then have to readjust how I go about life. Another example is one day working in a temple session for the first time. It was a chaotic type of day. Many missionaries showed up speaking different languages. There were many Elders versus the sister who came. I could see that the brother helping out on the other side was overwhelmed. I stepped in to be efficient and get the session started. A week later a temple matron asked to speak with me and we went arm in arm down the hall, but when she ushered me into a room and shut the door, I felt a little like I was talking to the principal. In the nicest, kindest way she asked my opinion and let me know that brothers take care of brothers and sisters take care of sisters. Efficiency should never take the place of allowing others to do their job. I assured her I could do things the way that she wanted. Lots of next-times in my life here. Luckily I am an old dog that can learn new tricks. Life is good.

Set ready to go with everything I though I needed

We had a meeting where everyone shared tips and ideas on how to make food last longer, and how to take advantage of crops when they are in season and store them for later when they are not. Water storage and use, fuel, and even documents that needed to be saved in a flood were all discussed.

It was a good meeting. I noticed that all the refreshments were taken and gone. Missionaries down the hall, another class, and of course all the ladies present took care of them all. 

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