Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Beads and Banana Bread

 Sister Scripture Study last Thursday was new and different because Sister White and Sister Burdick decided to have a Bead and Banana Bread class. The beads referred to earrings made from beads made in Ghana's ovens. It was delightful to create something. The Banana bread was an invitation for those who made banana bread to bring some to share. Quite a few sisters make it for their friends.

I had forgotten to bring treats for Family Home Evening - the missionaries get together every two weeks for FHE. The problem came when the Addy's said they were coming over (to bring picture enlargements of my family) and my mind slipped completely away from the fact we were supposed to bring refreshments. Oops! 

So I brought bar cookies, banana muffins and little sandwich bags so the ladies could bring their treat back to their husbands. 

It was fun to watch different women who were very dexterous and those who could hardly hold onto the tiny pieces that make up an earring. Fun, fun!

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