Sunday, September 29, 2024


Susie and I enjoyed puttering around getting things for her neighborhood barbecue and I getting stocking stuffers for my Christmas stockings to kids and grandkids. I love chatting about life and getting caught up on all the news. 

Susie made lunch for a crowd but left for her grandson's football game before anyone showed up.

We had two visits, one from Andrew, Briona, and Amber and then from Renald and Brendon Lore who are planning on coming to Accra. 

Andrew, Briona, and Amber were coming from Salt Lake airport and were on their way to Briona's grandmother's home in Idaho. They ate lunch and we had a nice chat, then Renald and Brendon came and we all visited a bit. The Adams left while I talked to Renald and Brendon about what they want to do in Accra. Susie met the Adams on their way to the car and she got busy with her neighborhood barbecue. 

I fought sleep until Susie got back and we all went to bed early.

Maybe I'll go see if I can nap until dawn......

Briona looked like she is feeling well, Amber was a delight, and Andrew is a great.

Amazing that Amber was so delightful without a nap and after a long trip. She will sleep good!

I missed getting Renald and Brendon's picture as I kept thinking how I could find someone to take them hunting while in Ghana.....everyone likes different things. Something I have never thought of or wanted to experience.  The boys (ok they are grown men, still I'm older than their parents) want to have an authentic "find the food" in nature, and prepare it, and eat it African style. I think I'll let them figure out what kind of peppers are automatically put in everything. Who knows maybe they like spicy.

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