Friday, September 13, 2024

Good things to do each day

 Sue came over yesterday to finish sewing up her bean bags (made with rice) to bring to the school today for a game. I love the fact that she finds good things to do while she spends two months here while her husband does his work. 

I wonder what I would do if in that situation. Always changing homes, friends, and people around you. She is very gracious and kind. She does not want to go to any kind of shopping as her suitcase is already full. 

So watch for our adventure next Monday. We are going to go see a man who makes Kente cloth. I told Sue I was going to take video of her trying the little machine out making a row or two of the cloth. If you are on Marco Polo, wait for it!

Kente cloth has been around for many, many years. The kings were the ones to wear it in the old days. Now everyone can wear it and there are many, many different styles and colors.

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