Thursday, September 12, 2024

Gathering Place

 I love, love, love the whole idea and implementation of the idea of gathering together to learn something and share. I have only gone to the sewing class that is held twice a week at the stake center - though I know there are three other kinds of classes. The need to learn skills that will bring in a little money for the family is so important in this country that has market prices skyrocketing but salaries remain the same. 

I was tickled that they were cutting out dresses from the fabrics I sent over last week. The ladies were in a fun mood and teasing and joking around with each other. It is nice to be in that atmosphere. The gentleman teaching the class is superb at his job.

I brought 100 of my drawn out Christmas stockings on red and white fabric, instructions on how to make them, and some pieces in stages to show how to make them. I also handed the teacher an envelope with money to pay for them to be made. I wanted them to have success in sewing up something and being paid for it. He could see how easy the stockings were to make and said they would be done by the end of October. Fun, fun! [Now I have to think of what to put in them!]

This young adult is Ava and she is from our ward, the teacher is Antwi

Addo is also from our ward

Patricia sewing up her dress

Gifty is from our ward too

exuberance of life

These dresses are fully lined. I love, love the sharing of ideas and teaching that is going on.

Ava took me aside and we had a chat about marriage. Evidently she heard my testimony of marriage and had some questions. I didn't recall giving a testimony about marriage, but I did remember giving a short testimony in Relief Society of the power of prayer. I must have brought up my marriage as an example of prayer. Good chat.

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