Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Makola Market

Last week on Wednesday, Baaba took me to the Makola market. We went to buy material - or at least look at material. What an adventure that market is! Thousands of people in many streets side by side looking for and selling EVERYTHING - usually close together. I stepped into the shoe market - stalls and stalls of shoes, piles, and little slots with them, and right between two stalls there was a bowl of smoked salmon. Clothes, tires, bikes, food, dresses, toys, and kitchen goods all together. 

We were in a taxi getting into the market but it was mostly stopped traffic. Many, many people were in the road and when the cars tried to go forward they didn't go far - especially at corners. Finally, I told Baaba we could just walk over as we would make much better time than trying to get close to the store in a taxi. 

We hopped out and I just followed her as she wound, dodged, and weaved her way through people, things, food, and alleys. When we ended up at the fabric shop, I recognized the place from the time that Bernice brought me to the same place the last time I lived in Accra. 

So many choices - way too many choices. I had Baaba and the shop keeper (sorry I can't remember her name.....she was a temple matron at one time.....it'll come...) both pick out material. I got three - six yard pieces for the gathering places women and I got three more six yard pieces for the dresses and shirts Baaba is going to make for my grandchildren. 

Did you know that there are fabrics in Ghana with their own name? I'll have to share another time about those particular fabrics.

Then we dodged and weaved our way back out to a main road and got another taxi waiting in traffic to get home. Baaba got coconut ready to drink from a man on the street. He kept running to and from the car giving shaved off coconuts and bringing change as we inched along. It is amazing how much work those who are selling will hustle.

One tower above the chaos with the name of the market

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