Friday, September 20, 2024

Thursday Meetings

 Our Relief Society presidency traditionally meets on Thursday late afternoon to discuss what needs to be done for our sisters. When Erica's husband came with their daughter because they had more meetings to attend that night and live too far away to come and go, I noted how easy it would be to have a supper along with or after our chat. 

Last Thursday, Comfort came early (as usual) and brought Waakye a traditional northern Ghanaian dish that consists of rice and beans (it has some leaf in it that turns them red), and gari (has the consistency of parmesan cheese-without that flavor), spaghetti noodles, black sauce (very spicy), and thick stew of beef and hard boiled eggs set in. When she served the meal, she stacked each of the components over the rice and beans.

It was fun! I took Marco Polos to tell my grandkids and friends about this cool dish. I think Jeffrey was surprised that it was good to eat. We had a nice evening chatting. Erica could not make it as she was feeling ill. So we were all surprised when Joshua called and said he was coming. So Comfort dished him up some dinner and He and Jeffrey started discussing scripture questions while Comfort's husband Michael, joined in with some great answers. 

The evening was interesting, fun, educational, and something I would love to do again. 

Though I have to put aside my customary ideas on how a Relief Society meeting is held. I talked with Comfort early in the afternoon, then Baaba joined us - bringing a temple dress she made for me - and then the men joined about 5 pm and we had dinner. Baaba had to leave early to go to intake at the MTC. So conversation and decision making was in fragments. I do think we are moving forward. I am trying my best to be of value. My input seems to be donating money for the food sacks which come from the Relief Society presidency, making picture rosters, and bringing refreshments for activities. Baaba is the organizer and has ties to most of the ladies in church. She calls many of the ladies for various reasons every week. She makes sure we have a teacher when needed. Comfort is the heart and has a warm touch for ladies in troubled circumstances. 

Baaba and I make up the ministering roster. We have found the phone numbers on the church site are inadequate and often wrong. Erica has been really good at finding out the ladies information. She also posts lessons and information on the WhatsApp group so those who read can know ahead of time what is going on. 

So life is good. Being part of something is good. Making new friends is really good.

Baaba sewing on a button to finish my temple dress

Comfort would not rest until my kitchen was clean again.

Michael, Joshua, and Jeffrey intent on scripture questions.

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