Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Love Hate Technology

 Easy, just register or sign up and we'll open the world of wonders to you. That's basically the advertising when I asked for a doctor's appointment. First of all I spent way too much time calling doctors in the Ogden area looking for an appointment. True, I live most of the year in Accra, Ghana and I would only visit the office once a year.....nobody wanted a long distance client. I figured I just didn't have all the information I needed to get a yearly physical with a doctor prepared for overseas living.

The lady at church headquarters asked if I had registered online. She said there was a lot of information from that portal. I tried a few months ago, so I thought I'd try it again.

1. Certificate or Group access number - Group number did not work, the number on the top of the page did not work, the number under my name let me go to the next page! Success.....too bad it's fleeting.

2. email as a username - luckily I could just drop it in. Success.

3. birthday - three tries until I had it exactly the way they wanted. partial success.

4. password - sorry they don't match, three tries and it let me go to the next.

Submit - sorry Group access number is wrong.......really? You let me go through nine different tries at getting information just so and I didn't have it right in the beginning? Fail.

So after hours of calls and frustrations with registering I am no better off than when I started. I just have experience of more rejection (though everyone said to have nice day) and technology fails. 

It's just in my mind that I am not the first person living abroad trying to get registered or get a doctor's appointment.........I need to look in the right place.........with the right the right time.....

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