Monday, September 16, 2024

Stumbling block - tank of water

 We were talking with a family a bit ago about their daughter who turned eight in March. She was excited to be baptized and everything went smoothly in the program until she was asked to step down into the water. She was absolutely terrorized. She has never taken a tub bath, never been swimming in a pool, never gone in a lake or river. So she didn't get baptized that day. 

Her mom and dad have done everything they can to help her get over her fear. 

I've thought a lot about the experiences that I take for granted and the knowledge that I have. I remember all three of us as children in the bathtub together playing in the water. Rafted on a pond, had swimming lessons, gone tubing in rivers, and floated on lakes and ponds, I even went to the ocean as a toddler. I tried to imagine a world without playing in water....but there are too many memories for my imagination to ignore. 

For her to be baptized takes a lot more courage than the average US child. I am praying it all works out for her soon. 

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