Monday, September 2, 2024

Going back - How to do stockings.....

After going to Rita's with Dumevi and Eugene (the driver), I picked up some red fabric for making Christmas Stockings - about 12 yards and some white for the lining. 

After I washed and dried it, I matched it up. Then I made a pattern with some 3 x 5 cards and some paper. I just winged it and hope it will all work out nicely. I hope I put enough width and length to sew seams and still get a good stocking size. We'll see!

I am glad that I put all the instructions on my November 2021 post as it was easy to run back for instructions so I don't have to 'reinvent the wheel'.  It will make it easy to set this up to cut out a bunch of Christmas stockings.

On Tuesday night I attended the Gathering Place to see if the sewing ladies would want to sew up my stockings in the next few months or if they were too busy with other things. I watched carefully and observed what they were doing and realized they needed real fabric more than anything. The project right now is a blouse - but it is being made out of very cheap muslin material - which is okay but won't sew the same as a strong cotton. I determined they needed real material.

After class I went home and drew out my pattern on lengths of the red and white material. I will save them for another day - but I can be ready when that day comes.

Pattern and expected size when completed.

Patricia at class

Gifty at class 

Drawing out the patterns on the materials

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