Friday, June 14, 2024

Bobby is Here!

 I asked Bobby to come be my cleaner again. He said he was excited to come. He is happy to come to a bigger place so he can earn a little more. He talks about a little shop that he and his wife have put together. I have not seen it yet, but he sells things to some of the missionaries - and I hope others. Missionaries can be fickle as they do not stay long. Someone who loves you and appreciates you will leave and their replacement may or may not feel the same.

I am happy, happy that he is back. He is a detail oriented man and wants to do a very good job. I told him to concentrate on the kitchen and bathrooms and just take on one room each week to do the details. Since I can see him dusting underneath the TV, I suspect he is going to do every room in detail.......

We'll see how it goes! I know whatever he does I am going to be happy!

He and his family will come on Sunday for an early dinner. I will take pictures of his family then.

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