Saturday, June 15, 2024

No Public Acknowledgment

 My goal this year is to look for and see "the indispensable contributions of countless Church members who serve diligently and faithfully and who receive little or no public acknowledgment or acclaim." (President Howard W. Hunter 1990). I have been noticing those who are tirelessly and faithfully doing their jobs that are often overlooked. 

Today's faithful are those work for Fleet who make the effort every Tuesday to wash the Area Presidency (and the three other couples who live by them) cars or trucks. Instead of paying young adults in our compound like we did in Beaufort apartments, these 8 faithful people wash all the cars inside and out every week. I thanked them for their service and have decided next week to leave apples and banana bread in the car for them.

Their names will have to come later. I am learning so many new names and hoping I can place them the next time I see them.

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