
Sunday, June 16, 2024

First Guests in our Home

 We were so happy to have company today. Bobby, Evelyn, their daughters Evelyn and Faith Ann Amosu came in the afternoon and stayed for early dinner. Evelyn is a wonderful woman and so fun to be with. She helped cook up the chicken, cut up the mango, and helped put everything on the table. She fit in like a daughter. Her two girls were fun. This last month being without any children - I forgot - I wasn't prepared except a few toys. Next time! I will be much better prepared for their entertainment - as they did find their own. Bobby and Evelyn have great plans and have had some real serious setbacks in life. They are striving to do good and right and get along in their goals and education. We have included them into our circle.

Faith Ann with Evelyn

Evelyn, Evelyn, Faith Ann, and Bobby Amosu

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