Wednesday, June 5, 2024

OCG office in Accra (at least for now)

 We have some amazing talented people working for OGC in the Accra Area Office. I'll have to get an office staff picture the next time they have a staff meeting.  For now, here are the players:

Esther Abuyeh legal coordinator - has been the longest in the OGC area office
She has shown me the best place to pick up smoothies for breakfast and were to get juice and digestive biscuits. Esther knows where everything is located and keeps things humming here. She knows what Salt Lake City is going to ask for and smoothly takes care of things.
Dinah De-Graft Mensah legal coordinator. She came into the staff just as were leaving two years ago.

Dinah was first with the Area Presidents and kept their schedules an appointments up to date. I'm not sure why we got to have her, but Jeffrey feels she is invaluable. She is soft spoken and takes care of issues promptly. A very cool lady. Her brother and sister live in The Gambia and are really nice people too. They are a very good family.

The AALC's:

The Powells will go home in a little over a month, so they have been here the longest.
Cindy and Jordon Powell
Cindy knows EVERYTHING about technology and has been extremely helpful in getting all my phones, computers, and iPad up to date. She even helped me with a VPN so I didn't keep getting shut off of sites. So very wonderful!
They are hilarious too. Sister Powell told the Burtons that a new couple was coming in - and that they were leaving in a month. The Burton's were devastated that they were going to loose them so early - until she casually mentioned it was April 1. Emmy said she didn't know if she could recover, and Richard still looked at them cross-eyed. When asked to give a good picture instead of "just standing there", this is what we got:

The White's have been here the next longest but will go home in October of this year.
Gary and Sherry White

The cool thing was Elder White knew a missionary in the Philippines that was a long time friend. When the White's were going to come to Accra on a mission, he told them to write to the Adams who were in his home stake and had just gotten home from Accra. So I wrote emails back and forth to the White's before they got here and now I get to meet and know them in person. Circle within circles of acquaintances. The Leininger's live in the Clayton Ward of our home stake (the one Andrew and Briona lived in) and went to the same mission in the Philippines that we did, though as Humanitarian Missionaries.

The Manwarrings will be here a little longer - thank goodness!
Kipp and Rebecca Manwarring
I am looking forward to getting to know and be with the Manwarring's. So far I have gotten great advice and they watched out for us when we were getting lunch. I know that Sister Manwarring helped at the Library with the children though she hasn't gone for a few weeks. This is going to be fun!

And of course there is the ALC, Jeffrey Adams who is new to the job. 

I am going to have great adventures with him. Life is good.

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