Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Kathy Knowles learning libraries

 Our day was not over as Sister McGlochlin wanted me to know and experience the libraries. She selected two in the Jamestown area to visit with me. 

Kathy Knowles is from Canada. Her family of four children came to live in Ghana when her husband got a job here. She noted the children who could not read and the absence of reading materials. She started a weekly reading circle - which lead to libraries and reading opportunities. She has authored quite a few children's books with Canada and Ghana protagonists. Here are a few links if you are interested:


There are other mentions and blogs out there about her and her wonderful work.

I was surprised and impressed at the other libraries I visited as one is three stories and the other is a large building with a large grass lawn and play structures. I think the OSU library is her first one and the rest were much larger with more help and funds.

The first library we visited was three stories high, beautiful and impressive. The second floor was very large and filled with adults and teenagers with a few children.  The first floor was meant for children and had lots of books and decorations from children. It was impressive.  

We had to go up to the highest floor to look out over the ocean - but a funny thing - all the hand rails had oil on them to protect them from the ocean saltwater which corrodes everything, Some tiles were oiled too. I did wonder how they were supposed to be used. I of course had to wash my hands the second we started up the stairs. 

We were intrigued by the art work that had ordinary things turned into really cool art. The spirals were plastic bottles painted then cut into spirals and hung by the bottle top. 

The matches and paper were very cool. I only showed one, but took pictures of about five. Someone has an eye for detail and is very creative.

Just a quick note, Elder McGlochlin talked to me! He told me a story and we had a conversation. He is an interesting man. His wife does the driving and much of the talking, but he is fun too.

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