
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Learning the Ukulele

 Sister Sheryl McGlochlin teaches anyone who wants to learn how to play the ukulele every day during the lunch hour. I have gone two days this week though I still can't jump from chord to chord with ease.

I wonder if I shouldn't look at the frets because in typing you can learn better muscle memory if you don't look where your fingers are but learn to 'feel' it out. The same is true with the piano and finger placement. I may start trying to just feel where the strings and frets are so I can learn it faster.

Nothing is going to make me a musician because I just haven't put the time, effort, and passion into it. But I do want to play around and learn how to do this - just for fun. When I get home, I plan to give the ukulele to Caleb as he seems to be very musical, along with the music I find. 

Sister McGlochlin is a serious musician and had me download an app that aids in tuning the instrument. She doesn't buy her instruments off the street, but gets real ones and not the knock offs.  

She has put together some files with music that is familiar, popular, or interesting and has written the chords above the words so we can sing and play along.  The ladies and gent at the practice were very good musicians - except for me - and they sounded so lovely! One of the ladies harmonized. I'm not sure which one or ones. It was a very nice afternoon (in an air conditioned room). 

The teacher, Sister McGlochlin

Enoch from North Ridge first ward! Enoch and Lorenzo are friends - Wilii Falls

Wendy Nielsen, Sister Judy Gilmore , Enoch, and Sister Sheryl McGlochlin

The music was so beautiful. It is amazing the feeling that a ukulele can produce - under the right hands.

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