Wednesday, June 5, 2024

At the Library with children

  Kathy Knowles from Canada saw a need in Accra and had a library built. It is called the Kathy Knowles Community Library. Adults come to learn English and other things, and children can come to read or be read to. There are puzzles and some games. The Library is about the size of a freight car with a roof. Two buildings with a covered patio between that the children sit at tables to do art projects, etc. The second building was the administrative offices and a storage.

On Tuesdays and Fridays they bus children from one section of town over to the Library. The missionaries come to do activities with the children for about two hours. I don't know if the children  come other days to the library or not.
Sister McGlochlin has been in charge for eight months and is looking for someone to take her place. I told her I am happy to help, but I'm not her replacement. 
It was a very interesting day with the children. I was left with a few questions like, what is our purpose or mission at the library? Do the ladies running the library want specific things to happen with the missionaries coming? How did we get invited to come? 

The children arrived, lined up to wash their hands, and then went over to a paved courtyard and were led in standing yoga poses, the Hokey Pokey, and other action songs like head, shoulders, knees and toes, etc. by Sister McGlochlin. After, the children ran over to the tables between the breezeways where she told them what they were going to create. I was surprised how long the children could do their artwork. At least an hour or so. And then we went home. I don't know how long the children stayed. Once a week they serve a meal. Sister McGlochlin said they served a lunch last Friday, so they probably wouldn't serve them today. 

Elder McGlochlin participated in all the activities but I never heard him utter a word. 

This is Accra's winter or cooler time, but I was still dripping when we went back to the Area Office. I was so happy to get into the air conditioning. We'll have to see what happens when the warm days hit -- if I can handle being outdoors (under shade)  or not. 

Courtyard where they did yoga and action songs

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