Saturday, June 22, 2024

Three little birds

 I was asking about the song, "Three little birds", so Enoch played it on his guitar. I get the feeling he can play quite a few instruments and picks them up quickly. My opinion is some people are musician and have the music in their head. The instrument is just a detail.  I have a small snippet here for you to hear.

Enoch is a good teacher and was very patient in showing me three chords so I could play one of the songs on my ukulele. I made sure to "feel" for the chords instead of looking every time so I could get a little muscle memory. After playing for half an hour, I started taking video of the others playing, as my fingers and arm was tired! I'll have to develop a little more muscles in order to play well. 

I appreciate being around musicians as my efforts seem to go further - but I don't think I have the passion to become a musician. I just appreciate others very much.

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