Sunday, June 16, 2024

New Calling

 Today I was sustained as a counselor in the Relief Society in the Cantonments Ward in Accra, Ghana. So the fact that I have a very limited knowledge of who is in the ward is not going to impede my service here. 

The Bishop told me when he was calling me to this calling, that he had a dream of the new presidency. But it wasn't clear until he was going through the pictures of the women in the ward and my picture popped up and he said he was sure when he saw my face. I was just a little anxious as he was telling the story and when he finally asked if I would be a counselor, everything was just fine and I told him I was afraid he was going to call me to be president - and a counselor or secretary was great!  

Today I was sustained and set apart as the second counselor and met the Relief Society president and the other counselor today just after sacrament meeting when we went to the Bishop's office. I do wonder how they pick the presidency as I had never met the president and the Bishop seemed to be the one putting us together. Is that how they call presidencies here? The Bishop puts them together?

In case you were wondering why my picture was in the ward before we got here - efficient Stan Hansen had transferred our records over here already. So before we ever arrived the Bishop had been looking over his ward members. Thanks Stan.....

I have been taking pictures of women in the ward and putting their names under the pictures, so now I will increase my efforts as I really need a cheat sheet now.

This is sister Comfort Ofoli Quaye, the president of the Cantonments Ward

And this is her first counselor, sister Baaba Acquah

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