Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thank you for your time and efforts

 Today is starting out just right. I stayed right there in the kitchen until the banana bread was in the oven and all the dishes were cleaned. No be-bobbing around today.

I've been making a ton of banana bread for lots of people because everyone likes it, Ghanaian, Nigerian, American, Australian, and military folks. It is tricky sometimes to find a universal food, but only those who hate bananas won't eat banana bread.

Today I will be saying thank-you to the travel department. They work for all of us behind the scenes in so many ways. Not just getting us to Ghana, but then getting non-resident cards so we are square with the government, and then resident permits so we are legally in the country, and then in our case they are taking care of getting our storage unit out of customs and to our place. I think fleet is a subdivision of travel but there is the whole complicated process of getting a driver's license.  And of course they get us a truck, remind us of maintenance and the laws here in Ghana. They all certainly deserve our thanks and respect. 

Banana Bread is all well and good, but I am looking further down the line and have some ideas floating around my head. One is Christmas stockings - okay it isn't even July, but - the first week I got here one of the men on the third floor said, "Oh hi Sister Adams, you are the one who brought stockings! That was so fun." With that kind of feedback, of course I decided to do it again this year. But then I went to the gathering place and watched sisters learning to sew on paper and cheap muslim and thought about what kind of projects they could do with real fabric and real money to do it. What about hundreds of stockings? If I can get some material and show them how to cut it out, sew it up, and make stockings for the third floor, grounds keepers, security, cleaners, etc. we could have a lot of fun at Christmas time. I can pay them to make all those stockings.

I'm also thinking it might be a good idea to have a simple project first. So I thought about making cloth napkins. Four straight seams and mitered corners. So I'll need to get some material for that too. And maybe a measuring guide. So many possibilities. My kids probably won't be surprised to get napkins as a gift. Maybe my siblings too. Ah life is interesting. 

I'll have Wisdom make me some napkin rings again so I can use them here when I have company. I'll keep you posted on how it all turns out.

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