Thursday, June 27, 2024

Goodbyes and Goodbyes

It has been many goodbyes and lots of goodbyes to come because the Area Presidency is changing in August. But each couple is taking their home leave at different times. The second counselor Elder Kyungu and his wife have been gone a couple of weeks, Elder Klebingat left today and Elder Nielsen will leave soon (after the Kyungu's get back). Elder Kyungu will be the new president in August so it makes since that they have their leave first.   The Klebingat's are getting a new assignment in Utah and were the next to leave. While Elder Nielsen holds down the fort until the Kyungu's arrive back in Ghana.  

We have had a party at the pool in this compound on Monday for the Senior missionaries, temple presidency, and the office staff for the two outgoing presidency members. On Tuesday was a devotional that turned into a long farewell party lunch for all the employees for the Nielsen's and Klebingat's. An hour and a half devotional was followed by a lunch celebration that went on for about two and a half hours. Opera singing and drums could be heard throughout the building.

I did attend the family home evening pool party and enjoyed the farewell speeches of the Nielsen's and Klebingats. I was struck by the memory of seeing the temple presidency the last time I was here all in white at the temple doors. On Monday they were lined up sitting by the fence when my memory kicked in. Evidently the temple presidency is changing too.

These farewells mirror all the senior missionaries who are leaving last week, next week, and several in July. In August there will be a whole new face of the Africa West Area.

Mable, the one who made the party possible!

Very cute bite size sandwiches, burgers and cups of salads

McGlochlin's and Sister Nielsen in the pool

Area presidency staff

Current temple presidency sitting at the family home evening together

This is Mabel and her crew who put on this lovely party

I looked through all of my pictures and could not find the temple presidency pictures. They were not there. I have to conclude that I took the pictures with my issued phone which was wiped when I left. So the only pictures I own are the pictures on this blog about the day in October 2021 when I saw a group of Saints in white on the temple steps and took a picture. Turns out it was the temple presidency.

Here is the screen shot:

October 7, 2021

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