
Saturday, June 1, 2024

This hotel is better!

 When Jeffrey went to his first meeting that Elder Klebingat was attending, they talked a little bit and Elder Klebingat asked where we were staying (next week we will be next door to them). Jeffrey told him and Elder Klebingat said he didn't have any authority to tell Jeffrey what to do, but that he should move to the Mövenpick Embassy Hotel as that was a much better place - where they house the general authorities when they come. He said it was important to keep a wife happy.

YES! Best advice ever. The room is not grey walls and dark hallways. The room is wider and the bed is a comfortable king size. Best of all the views out the window are great. It is good. The food is good, the service is good. The people are friendly. 

But, it is our sixth hotel in four weeks. It sure is nice to be here, and I'm looking forward to being in a set place that is very nice. The apartment living room is bigger than ours at home, the kitchen is bigger than ours at home, the bedroom is bigger than ours at home, the washer and dryer have their own room instead of the garage, there is a walk-in pantry, two fridges, and one freezer. The window looks out at the temple. Yup, I am going to be grateful to be there. Meanwhile, this hotel is very nice!

Beautiful View out the window of Mövenpick

Not in love with the old hotel

Saw this guy skating around handing out drinks and picking up at Mövenpick pool.

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