Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Sunday Guests

 We have a two week tradition going and it just might catch on. We had Sylvanus family over and after Elizabeth the mom wrote down all the names for me, I realized that was his first name and not the family name. But I can say Sylvanus, it's a toss up if I can say their last name.

Elizabeth Mellis Fenuku, Mawoli Bryan Quami Fenuku, Senatu Knox Quassy Fenuku, Michelle Ewur-Esi Fenuku, Sedinam Fenuku, Sewarnu Ralph Quami Fenuku, and Sylvanus Komla Fenuku

That is way too much information to drink in. I'll let you know a little about what I have learned about this cool family. First Sylvanus helped me out when I was t-boned on my way to church a few years ago. He is very knowledgeable about the how the system works. He helped us get drivers licenses too.

Dumevi brought our dinners from Sister Arthur. She packed each dinner seperately in grand style. It was impressive and the family enjoyed it - well maybe not the salad, but they are kids. Everyone liked my banana bread and cookies thank goodness!  Jeffrey had asked each of the what their favorite thing to do was and what their favorite subject in school was. Knox said he wanted to be a doctor and we found he loves music. 

Our after dinner entertainment. Knox can listen to a song and then play it.

While Knox played, I grabbed some pens and paper so the rest of the family could do something.
Next time I will have peanut butter play dough available.......or something......

Ralph wanted everything just right but jumped right in

Bryan jumped up and started playing the piano when Knox got off. He is very good!

Watching Knox play, I could tell he was a musician in his heart and mind and was the type of person who just needs to learn the mechanics of an instrument to play it.  I ended up giving him my ukulele as I think he will definitely use it. He actually wants a guitar, but that I don't have. 

It was hilarious as Sedinam was very anxious to have his own ukulele. But I only had one. I will have to look for one for him because I had my Michael who DID NOT want to be last. I am pretty sure that is how Sedinam feels also. So I will get one for him. I am not sure about the other two boys. Bryan was so quick to follow his brother and Ralph was the quiet one. You have to watch out for the quiet ones.

Michelle is looking forward to going to high school - I really thought she was already a high school student - and seems very solid in her direction in life. 

Jeffrey and I had a very enjoyable time with the whole Fenuku family. We'll see them again sometime.

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