Friday, June 28, 2024

Thanks Love

 I'm so glad with Jeffrey comes home, glad as I can be. Clap my hands and shout for joy.....and give him a big hug and kiss. 

I had brought banana bread over to the travel department in the area office as a thank-you for all the service they have given us. Jeffrey brought back the platter and also the eggs I bought. A man brings them to the area office and sometimes he is really late. Today is was just past 5 pm. He was trying to make it by 2 pm. Traffic must have been very bad. I hope it doesn't take so long to get home for him. Jeffrey was kind enough to pick them up and bring the flat home for me.

I sure love this man!

Jeffrey has been working some very long hours. He has been energized and happy to be the boss. He loves the challenges. His hours are really whacky hours because he deals with what is happening here in Africa and then is communicating with Salt Lake City people in the evening hours. Once in a while he will be awake very early in the morning answering emails. It is nice we have a big place with lots of room to spread out. I am hoping he can deal well with stress and enjoy his free hours. He has given a few patriarchal blessings and that has been a joy and an uplift for him.

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