Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Saturday with the McGlochlin's

 I really love taking off on adventures with those bold enough to go out into the streets and markets. Elder and Sister McGlochlin decided to take me on their adventures last Saturday. We went to the artist's workspace on the beach. This is actually the very first place that Brent took us years ago when we first arrived in Accra in December of 2020. I wondered how it would be changed. 

With the McGlochlin's it was different. The same dedication to detail and excellent craftsmanship, but a different style of walking and looking around. Sister McGlochlin knew exactly where she wanted to go and who she wanted to talk to. We zipped past all the hawkers and those who "had a deal" and went straight to a shed of a returned missionary that the McGlochlin's knew in Liberia when they had been there. 

He was the one who sold the instruments that she loves. I didn't order a xylophone, but I did get some flutes, Kalimbas, and ordered another ukulele. After spending my Cedi's on instruments and taking videos, I did get talked into buy a little elephant for only 50 Cedis. I enjoyed watching the craftsmanship more than I liked buying anything.

This man had a pile of mending. His sewing machine was cranked by hand and his thread was down beside the machine in front. He expertly hemmed up some pants and mended a light-weight jacket while I watched. It was educational.

I paid a man to show me his work but the file is too big to upload here. But the finished product was small enough to get.

I watched men pound thin r-bar into circles to put around drums. The iron circle is knotted with string and fits on the drum and is used to tighten the lid cover taut. Those who do carvings have spent years perfecting their craft and do not make mistakes. I wonder where and how they get their experience. Somebody has to make mistakes to learn....where are they?

You could hear the drums from far down the aisle, they were great!

All the vendors whom I did not buy from, wanted me to stop in and look - just in case. So I took pictures and said I would see them later. One vendor wanted me to show my family and friends back home his wares just in case they wanted me to get them. Here are some pictures:

xylophone with gourds underneath of different sizes to make a great sound, the kitty was a bonus.

scooping out to make a popular game

I'll bet he would do other schools - actually I know he would

Picture of what he can do, but he said it would have your name on it with whatever you wanted it to say.

Drummer friend from four years ago. How do they remember - or make me think they remember?

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