Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hippity-hoppity hop

 The day started out with a "never again". I do not cut hair, barber, shape, or trim. Jeffrey has a meeting today where he has to sit up with the big wigs at some opening event. He asked if I wanted to go (and sit up on the stand with him).  I absolutely knew I had 'other plans' for the day. But he would probably get his picture taken and had a favor to ask. "I know you don't like doing this.....", he just needs a little trim and thin in the back. 

So I started out with him sitting sidewise on a chair with a towel around his neck. We couldn't find his comb anywhere so I used a small brush and dull little scissors - that I'm sure was never intended for hair. They look like the sewing scissors I used to use for tiny corner trims. Umm, did I fail to mention that the scissors went sidewise a few times? Between my fingers is not as straight as using a comb to hold his hair out. From a distance he'll look just fine.

I'm not sure if I am rattled or anxious - I thought I was just fine when he walked to work, but I notice a bit ago that I'm jumping from tasks to job again. I stripped the sheets and put them in the washer, remembered to take my anti-malaria pill and vitamins since I was close to the kitchen, saw my shopping list and tried to remember what I was going to put on it, and got distracted by the message I wanted to post to a friend. The washer dinged as it changed course and I felt a little queasy and thought I'd better hurry and eat breakfast as you are suppose to eat something with that anti-malaria pill. I decided I didn't like the living room or dining room chairs for sitting long periods of time, and went in to the guest bedroom and removed the little desk and brought in the extra office chair to make myself a little office in the corner of our bedroom. Now I can do my Relief Society work - this week it is making a picture page with names so I can learn everyone's name quickly.

This will make a great sewing table with our unit comes in...

Jeffrey popped back into the house - of course AFTER I carried the desk in, he needed to change into a suit coat as the communications director, James told him all the dignitaries are wearing suit coats. Isn't that going to be a joy outside in the humidity here! Seeing the empty bed, I pulled the clothes out of the dryer and dumped them on the bed to fold. I noted a dish towel that needed to go in the pantry, so I picked it up and took it back while noticing the socks that had dried on the hangers, pulled them off and remembered what I needed to put on the grocery list. Took the socks back and checked on my post to my friend (which was still in the outbox) and sent it. Back to fold the clothes and saw my computer waiting to finish the Relief Society pictures. Got a call from Juliet to meet her in an hour or so - better finish getting dressed for the day. Saw the empty bed and put the sheets into the dryer. Okay clothes done, breakfast, friend post, roster for RS started, meeting with Juliet later......

Ok, at least I'm accomplishing something. Why am I rabbiting around? 

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