Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Past and Present - full circle

 When the Hymas' were in Accra, they were fighting tooth and nail for an idea to come about. They knew the problems that the young adults were facing and the abysmal retention rate of the missionaries coming home to face hardship and dire need. They wanted to find a way to help them with jobs, education, and resources. One idea they pushed for strongly was Gathering Places. The idea was a place to meet, socialize, and learn. They wanted classes that taught skills for livelihoods,  had a sociality, and a focus on serving others.

Getting the idea approved and set up during Covid times proved very difficult. In June of 2021 they were seeing some success though they had a ways to go for the whole area. Structure and ideas would change often to fit the needs of the young adults and the other adults who wanted to come and change their lives also. I worked under the Hymas' care and then with the Munks when they came to take over. They worked in a borrowed classroom at the stake center.

But walking into the area office building 2024 and seeing that the young adult missionaries had their own offices that had been especially built and seeing the success on the wall in a small sheet of paper, let me know that the Hymas' dream and ideas had flourished!

This shows many functioning stakes in the Africa West area that are up and running with local help.

These numbers and trends speak for themselves

When I think back to the early has been a success!

Hopes and dreams being measured

No need for a 8 x 10 sheet of paper will show it all!

The few that were launched and helped along to get started. Hopes and dreams.

The fact that there is a place to come to when a missionary gets off his mission. A set of local missionary couples are there to greet them. Classes are being given - by local teachers who know what works and what does not. My heart is full of rejoicing!

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