Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Second Kathy Knowles library on Saturday

 This library too was near Jamestown but further away from the ocean. The library was big and had children who were reading to each other. There were creative art projects though not as many as the other library. I think the thing that struck me was the shelves were not full of books. Real books are very valuable in Accra. All the books had plastic protectors on the outside. You can tell that there are many uses for the library besides the children's reading hour.

Need for help in the system:

A book about Kathy Knowles work:

I loved the atmosphere in this library and the fact that the children had no fear at all with white people. I got a couple of hugs just because the children were so young. Mothers were smiling. Some of the ladies were outside making soap bars. You could see laundry out on the bushes to dry.

Down the street was a funeral, but a very nice gentleman showed Sister McGlochlin where and how to park. When we left he helped us out of our place and directed traffic so we could go. I did tip him if you wanted to know. 

Sharon and Sister McGlochlin

Elder McGlochlin, Princess Khadijah, and Sister McGlochlin

Making soap bars

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