
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Hello and Goodbye from the Area President

 Wendy and Gifford Nielsen took us to dinner as a hello to us and a goodbye for them. We are just getting started here and they will be leaving in a matter of weeks. The dinner started out so very nice when Elder Nielsen relaid the information that Jeffrey has been re-instated as a functioning patriarch to give blessings in the Ghana MTC. There are quite a few missionaries who arrive that have not been given a patriarch blessing for some reason or another, and now Jeffrey has been authorized to give them. 

The Nielsen's are polished, polite, and generous. We enjoyed their company very much. I loved talking to Wendy - not to be confused with Wendy Nelson - she says sometimes they do get confused. I'll bet being three years in Africa helps cut down on the confusion. Anyway, I have gotten to know her a little at ukulele practice, at church and a few times at sister scripture study. I've met Elder Nielsen just a handful of times and found him very congenial. 

Wendy put basaltic vinegar, oil, and parmesan cheese to dip her bread sticks

I found it very yummy!

Elder and Sister Nielsen, with I and Jeffrey

New talent learned


Since September of 2023, the sisters here in Africa West Area offices have had the opportunity to learn to play the ukulele. Sister McGlochlin has been teaching and getting instruments from the market with the help of a young man whom she met working in the temple. At the lunch hour whomever wants comes to practice and learn the chords and we all sing fun songs, hymns, or rhythms. It is very fun!

Monday, June 17, 2024


 This is Obadiah and he pals around with Elder and Sister McGlochlin. He and his friends have been learning the ukulele with them and he obviously looks up to them. Obadiah is one of the children from Jamestown that comes in on the Toto to the school that the McGlochilin's teach at. I'm not sure how the boys got to the stake center today, but they were learning the ukulele and hope to go to a hotel and play for tips.

Today he is the missionary.


The song refrain goes through my head quite often lately, " my father's house are many mansions.......I go to prepare a place for you......" I feel like I live in one of those prepared mansions. This is a VERY nice apartment and home. 

But.... do I know how to live here?
The fabulous oven is duel fuel, gas on the stovetop and electric in the oven. The learning curve to cook with gas is ongoing. I had to make a second pot of rice on Sunday before my guests came as I burnt the first pot. A low flame of gas is still very hot. What is low and what is medium?  These super deluxe pots have their own learning curve also. After a pot of spaghetti, I was pouring the water off and dropped the entire contents into a bowl of soapy water that was in the sink. I didn't tell Jeffrey how many times the noodles had been rinsed off and he didn't seem to notice a deficiency. I definitely found out that one of the settings in the oven must be convection because the fish and fries were done way too fast. Actually, we have decided that Jeffrey will make the fish and chips in the future and I will make the things I do best in the oven like chicken divan, Shepards pie, and chicken pot pie. (Though I will look up the symbols online and see if I can figure out what each one is). 

So though I have the best of living place, I still have to go through the learning curve just like every time we go to a different place. 
Having lived here before, I note that those around 'know' that I know what I'm doing...It is just a wee bit intimidating as those around me just bank on me to pick up what I need to know and do it.......what is "it"? Like knowing about four women in the ward and the expectation I feel is that I will do a good job like we did in the North Ridge ward. It took us months to get acquainted and start running around with the young adults.

On the plus side I can make banana bread, and now some of the missionaries like the peanut butter play dough. Reputations are made through the simple things. Hopefully I can transfer some of my "expertise" to my new calling and ward.

I already know I can do new things. An old dog learning new tricks.

I've decided I am going to take good care and not let this plant die......I just hope it thrives. Luckily I have my good friend Laura Nausin who is a plant rescuer. Too bad she lives a few thousand miles away.....still I can do this....and the ukulele - - maybe.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

First Guests in our Home

 We were so happy to have company today. Bobby, Evelyn, their daughters Evelyn and Faith Ann Amosu came in the afternoon and stayed for early dinner. Evelyn is a wonderful woman and so fun to be with. She helped cook up the chicken, cut up the mango, and helped put everything on the table. She fit in like a daughter. Her two girls were fun. This last month being without any children - I forgot - I wasn't prepared except a few toys. Next time! I will be much better prepared for their entertainment - as they did find their own. Bobby and Evelyn have great plans and have had some real serious setbacks in life. They are striving to do good and right and get along in their goals and education. We have included them into our circle.

Faith Ann with Evelyn

Evelyn, Evelyn, Faith Ann, and Bobby Amosu

New Calling

 Today I was sustained as a counselor in the Relief Society in the Cantonments Ward in Accra, Ghana. So the fact that I have a very limited knowledge of who is in the ward is not going to impede my service here. 

The Bishop told me when he was calling me to this calling, that he had a dream of the new presidency. But it wasn't clear until he was going through the pictures of the women in the ward and my picture popped up and he said he was sure when he saw my face. I was just a little anxious as he was telling the story and when he finally asked if I would be a counselor, everything was just fine and I told him I was afraid he was going to call me to be president - and a counselor or secretary was great!  

Today I was sustained and set apart as the second counselor and met the Relief Society president and the other counselor today just after sacrament meeting when we went to the Bishop's office. I do wonder how they pick the presidency as I had never met the president and the Bishop seemed to be the one putting us together. Is that how they call presidencies here? The Bishop puts them together?

In case you were wondering why my picture was in the ward before we got here - efficient Stan Hansen had transferred our records over here already. So before we ever arrived the Bishop had been looking over his ward members. Thanks Stan.....

I have been taking pictures of women in the ward and putting their names under the pictures, so now I will increase my efforts as I really need a cheat sheet now.

This is sister Comfort Ofoli Quaye, the president of the Cantonments Ward

And this is her first counselor, sister Baaba Acquah

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Running into old friends

 When we went to the grocery store today, we noted the same security guard outside of the store as was here in 2022 when we left. Actually I think we first met him in 2020 though I'm not exactly sure. I do know I took a picture with him near the end of our stay - though presently I can't find it - and we took another today. Life is different, life is the same.

The guard on the right was here in 2022

No Public Acknowledgment

 My goal this year is to look for and see "the indispensable contributions of countless Church members who serve diligently and faithfully and who receive little or no public acknowledgment or acclaim." (President Howard W. Hunter 1990). I have been noticing those who are tirelessly and faithfully doing their jobs that are often overlooked. 

Today's faithful are those work for Fleet who make the effort every Tuesday to wash the Area Presidency (and the three other couples who live by them) cars or trucks. Instead of paying young adults in our compound like we did in Beaufort apartments, these 8 faithful people wash all the cars inside and out every week. I thanked them for their service and have decided next week to leave apples and banana bread in the car for them.

Their names will have to come later. I am learning so many new names and hoping I can place them the next time I see them.

We are Urged to Do Good

 As a church we are urged to do good, hold up our light, serve others, and aid those whose hands hang down.  Today was an interesting day as I talked with many of my old friends in the Philippines and Africa. One friend has had a traumatic change in her life. One is experiencing terrible health issues, two friends have family members getting ready for missions, one is trying to get ahead in university schooling, and several need to get into school. So my heart has been wrenched by the trials that some my friends are facing and I am so happy and joyful for those who decided to serve a mission and my my soul goes out to everyone who wants to further their education and make goals for a better life. 

I started going down the list wishing I could be there by their side. That I could be of physical, emotional and mental help. I said what I could, wrote what is in my heart, put several names in the temple for prayers, and then gave money to everyone that needed a boost up. I felt very good about my day when I got up from my computer. 

Then I thought about going in to tell Jeffrey how generous he is. Maybe I'll start with a hug and let him know I think the world of him. I actually know he is going to be fine and all right as we have talked about what we are going to do this time of our life. It won't be a surprise.....but he might not know how generous he has been......

Life is good. Having Jeffrey as a friend and partner is really fantastic.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Bobby is Here!

 I asked Bobby to come be my cleaner again. He said he was excited to come. He is happy to come to a bigger place so he can earn a little more. He talks about a little shop that he and his wife have put together. I have not seen it yet, but he sells things to some of the missionaries - and I hope others. Missionaries can be fickle as they do not stay long. Someone who loves you and appreciates you will leave and their replacement may or may not feel the same.

I am happy, happy that he is back. He is a detail oriented man and wants to do a very good job. I told him to concentrate on the kitchen and bathrooms and just take on one room each week to do the details. Since I can see him dusting underneath the TV, I suspect he is going to do every room in detail.......

We'll see how it goes! I know whatever he does I am going to be happy!

He and his family will come on Sunday for an early dinner. I will take pictures of his family then.

Changing it up - Peanut Butter play dough

 Just for fun, I made peanut butter play dough for the kids at the library today. They are a different set of kids than the Tuesday kids - but I haven't met them yet. I couldn't meet them today either as I already had commitments. The Peanut butter play dough is made with 1 cup Peanut butter (creamy is best), 1/2 cup honey, and 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar. Mix it all up, refrigerate it for a bit and take it out and it's nice.

I've been questioning what will happen if the day is hot. It is Ghana's coolest season so hopefully the play dough will not melt. I'll just have to wait until I can talk to Sister McGlochlin when they get back. 

40 balls of peanut butter play dough
I did send some powdered sugar in case it melted a little. I told her to use it like flour. The only trouble is, if the children's hands are sweaty they will be all sticky.  I'm hoping for the best! I hope they have fun.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

To Be or Not To Be - will it live or die?


I have been assured that "this is easy." All I have to do it put the starts in water and the one with roots into soil and water it once a week. 

We'll have to see how it goes. I have brought five or six basil starts home from Winco and killed them all.....

so......we'll see how this turns out. 

A Very Good and Bad Day

 This morning I started out leading a discussion on Elder Dushku's conference address of "Pillars and Rays" (find it here) in our weekly Sister Scripture Study. The discussion turned out very well and we had some sisters share some of their "rays" of light or knowledge given at particular times in their life. One sister said during Covid that she was on a mission and had been trapped in their apartment when word came that her mother died so they had to go back to the States. She wanted to just stay there. She hoped the country would close so she wouldn't have to go back.  In a quiet moment she felt the Lord tell her, "You do not choose your sacrifice." She accepted her challenge and went back when the country opened up two weeks later. Another sister realized that some of the negativity in her life came from herself and not others, so she changed that attitude. It was a good discussion with some really great sharing.

Sister Cindy Powell called me up and asked if I wanted to go shopping at the 'Little Costco', not its real name but they have Kirkland brand stock of goods and also lots of spices. I said yes though I was going to Ukulele practice, she assured me we had time in between. 

There was a hilarious snafu of where our car keys actually were and it turned out they were in my apartment. After Cindy went down the stairs and back up to Jeffrey's office and I had gone down the stairs and then back up to the apartment. By the time I got back down Cindy was at the gate. When I turned a little to pull the gate clicker out of my backpack I missed a step and face planted on the sidewalk. I was so happy to not see a soul when I looked up, though Cindy was half way down the ramp before I stood up. I asked if my nose was bleeding and when she said no, we got in the car and went off to "Little Costco".

Cindy Powell is so very fun to talk to as she drove the truck down the highway. She is a can-do person. I had a great time buying up a bunch of stuff while she bought one item while taking on the phone and showing someone else what was available. 

We had barely started on our way home when we saw a very little beggar boy who looked like he was going to step in front of our truck. Cindy saw the traffic green lights flashing and went through the intersection to immediately get pulled over by a policeman. We didn't quibble that it wasn't red yet.

After a 20 minute chat, we could tell it was a shake down because we were white but what ya Ghana do? It's just Ghana happen. It ended up with a 100 Cedi "lunch" for him and a link to the application for the lottery visa so he can try to go to America. She left him her business card and an invitation for him to tour the Area Office. Who knows how it will all end up?


Shades of anxiety for me and sitting there my knees and hands stiffened up from falling. After getting home and putting away the groceries I was so tired I couldn't think straight and went to sleep for about two hours. I made myself get out of bed and went in to make peanut butter play dough for the kids in the library tomorrow. I don't think I am going to go to the Library tomorrow as I have some other appointments. But we'll see how it goes. 

This time around we do not have young adults offering to bring things up to our apartment, but we do have this handy little chart to bring out to the car and load and then up the elevator and wheel it right into the kitchen to unload.  I don't have to find tip money every week because I can do it myself.

After telling Jeffrey about my good and bad day, he stepped over and gave me a blessing. Peace and joy has filled my heart and life is good.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

How many kids can you fit in a Toto?

 How many can fit in a Toto?

32 children, 2 supervisors and 1 driver arrived in this Toto or van or bus.  When we got in our suv, we watched in amazement that first the van had serous accident damage - some parts are strapped on. The door has issues with opening and closing. Then we tried to figure out where all the bodies went to travel across town!

Helping the car to get to a better place. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Made Banana Bread - for Who?

 I said yes a lot last week. One yes was to make banana bread when I got into a kitchen. Yahhooo! I got into a kitchen and what a kitchen it is! So this morning, aware that I had committed to make banana bread, I whipped up a double batch. Trouble is I did not have any butter or enough bananas. Oops...but that wasn't a problem because I just added oil and applesauce as substitutes. But, there is a big but.....

I had no idea who I had promised to make the banana bread for, when they needed it, or for whom. In fact I barely remembered the conversation - only my commitment. After church I texted on WhatsApp post for Ghana Sisters because I figured it would be the largest group of women around here that I have talked with last week. One sister said she wished it was her, but knew it was someone else. 

Sister Wendy Nielsen said yes, it was she that asked. Nice, she lives in the same complex, so I brought it downstairs to the next level and dropped it off. Wow, Gifford and Wendy Nielsen are really nice people. They invited us for dinner sometime next week. I found out the date for the banana bread was two weeks from today -- so Wendy is going to freeze it. I told her I'd make more. It will be for a Relief Society meeting at the church. 

Banana bread again!
It was easy set up and easy clean up while it was baking, and then I turned my work place into a breakfast nook for Jeffrey and I. How lovely to be in such a cool place with my sweetheart. Then off we went to church.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Going out with the Whites

 Tonight was like a step back in time. Jeffrey and I had fallen asleep this afternoon. I guess unpacking and going for groceries just took it out of us:) Anyway we woke up and went out to eat with Elder and Sister White and we ended up at Bistro 21 - the same place Brent Belnap took us on our very first night in Accra in December of 2020. It felt like a nice circle. We are not experiencing jet lag, but the stresses have made us tired. That ok, we're going to do just fine! We have a really nice place to live and this is a beautiful country and colorful, lovely people. It is nice making friends.

We talked and had a lovely evening. Then we came home to this beautiful sight.

Home Sweet Home

 We are in!

Out of hotels, packing up and setting up, packing up and setting up is all over! We are in a BIG apartment. The kitchen, living room/dinning room, and master bedroom, and bathroom are all bigger than my living space in California. Of course with only two suitcases and one overnight bag along with my back pack of technology and Jeffrey's briefcase, unpacking didn't even take 15 minutes. It took more time to unpack the boxes of goods and food that Emmy left for us. Wow! 

I would talk to Jeffrey from a room and he couldn't hear as he was at the other end of the home in a different room. I had to walk to find him - which hasn't happened for over a month!  In fact I would walk down a hall and realize I needed to go another way to find where I was at. This is so cool, fun, fantastic.

Who knew that working for the church would land us in such a nice place?! We are extremely lucky that we got to have the opportunity to live in apartments that the church sets up for General Authorities. Our neighbors are the Area Presidency, Temple President, and the secretary to the Area President. We are in a compound with security guards 24 hours a day. La-di-da, Life is very good.

Entry Hall or foyer

Front door, guest bathroom on right with bookshelves and bench lining hall

Hall looking in from the door, to the left is the living room and kitchen, to the right is a door to the living quarters - bedrooms and bathrooms

Living Room, kitchen, and dining room

Looking into the living room, dining room, kitchen door is just after the piano making a left turn

second half of living room

Small hall that leads to backdoor with stairway


Kitchen view from the doorway

Kitchen view looking straight in. Note two fridges and a deep freeze, along with water dispenser and a walk-in pantry

View of the laundry room just instead of the kitchen door to the left

Full walk-in laundry

front kitchen view. The oven is electric, the stovetop is gas. Lots of gadgets and things to create with.

breakfast nook (with Emmy's goods and foodstuffs), dishwasher

Dining Room

dining room, that cabinet has dishes, glassware and silverware with serving bowls and platters for guests

Living room next to dinning table

View from dinner table of living room, entry hall, and living quarters hall

Living Quarters

Hallway - master bedroom on left, guest bedroom on right, office/bedroom on right, bathroom at the end of the hallway

Spacious master bedroom note closets on the left and dresser on right - another set of both is just around the corner

Lots of room for a king size bed, and furniture

small hall from bedroom to dresser, closets and the bathroom

second set of closets

first set of closets in the master bedroom

large bathroom, note tub and the roominess 

Shower in master bath as well as the tub/shower wand

guest bedroom

Small office - or we can turn it into a small bedroom

Second bathroom

Second shower in the second full bathroom
 Whoohooo! Come visit us!